Divorce and Family Law

Personal, Professional Service

Providing direct, timely, communication with clients during all steps in the process of dissolving the marriage and carrying out plans for distribution of property, establishing arrangements for parenting (custody and visitation), and managing other issues involved in the relationship.

Note That Recent Changes in Custody and Visitation Law Mean That Many Current Arrangements Can Be Reviewed and Possibly Revised

Emphasizing Out of Court Solutions

Assisting individuals wishing to finalize their marriage dissolution with minimal court involvement and minimal public disclosure of private information.

Out of court solutions are appropriate for marriages with property and assets of any size, from small to large, and can often reduce unproductive discord and damage to relationships.

Identifying Issues, Finding Solutions, and Moving On

The typical divorce will involve division of property and debts, consideration of spousal maintenance (alimony), and other matters unique to the parties and their marriage.

If there are children, then the divorce proceeding will address parenting time (visitation), financial child support, and insurance, and otherwise providing for the children.

Anyone considering a divorce needs to hire an attorney to review their situation and provide professional services to bring the matter to a conclusion.

Divorce settlements may be reached at any stage. The parties can focus their efforts on resolving the issues and formulating a plan that addresses the various legal rights and obligations presented by their circumstances.

Unmarried Parents With Children

Custody can be established where Minnesota is the home state of the child.

Child Support When There is No Divorce in Progress

Child support can be established and an Order issued requiring payment even where there has been no marriage and there is no divorce case in process.  This involves preparing detailed financial calculations, preparing documents, and presenting the evidence to a judicial officer.

“Farm Divorces” and Business Interests

Divorces involving farms and other businesses typically present unique issues. Contact me to discuss your specific situation.

Contact me immediately if:
You have been served papers.
Your spouse has hired an attorney.
You are considering settlement.
You have been presented a settlement proposal.


Providing constructive advice and services for the party who anticipates no contest or has been communicating with their spouse to settle without going to court. This includes drafting the necessary documents and initiating other steps to complete the process. Mediation is a separate process where the parties work toward agreement on issues with the aid of a neutral third party.


Assisting clients wishing to prepare contracts drafted before or after the marriage to govern division of property in the event of divorce or death. To be effective, these contracts must be drawn to meet specific legal requirements.


Careful analysis and planning can often assist parties who have accumulated property together, or intend to, by structuring their relative rights and obligations and creating a plan for the future.

Assisting men and women work through the difficult and painful issues in divorce for more than 20 years
Counseling parties regarding options for protecting assets and providing for children
Providing compassionate, understanding services, personal attention, and thorough and timely communication
Member, Minnesota State Bar Association Family Law Section
Qualified neutral under Rule 114 of the General Rules of Practice

Gerald Hasselbrink, Attorney
Phone (320) 251-0222

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